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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Our Year 2 teachers are Mrs Goodyear, Miss Knott and Miss White.

 They are supported by the amazing TAs, Mrs Crumpton, Mrs. S Love, Mrs M Love and Mrs. Tyler.

Year 2 is an exciting year, packed full with new challenges and a wide variety of learning opportunities. Your child will be encouraged to work a little more independently and take responsibility for themselves and their belongings, including ensuring that their water bottle is in the classroom and their reading books are put into the correct place where they need to be changed.

The children will read and listen to a variety of carefully selected texts to immerse them in a rich vocabulary, which will in turn inspire their own writing. We will encourage the children to talk about books and develop a passion for reading.

We firmly believe that parents and carers who are actively involved with their child’s education and learning enable better progress and we appreciate all support that you are able to give to your children. Throughout Year 2, your child will have books to read regularly and we strongly urge parents to listen to their child read on a daily basis. It really does make a difference to the progress that we see in the classroom.

We are always available at the end of the school day if you have any questions.